domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008

Film review!

"Sweenet Todd (the demon barber of Fleet Street)" Film review.

Sweeney Todd is a Musical and is based on a Broadway play. The director of this movie is Tim Burton. The main characters are: Mr. Todd played by Jhonny Depp(Pirates of the caribean) , Mrs. Lovett played by Helena Bonham Carter (Corpse Bride.) .

The story takes place in London, in the 19th century. It's the story of a man, Benjamin Barker, who gets to prison years earlier on false charges by Judge Tupin. The Judge takes advantege of this and keeps the barber's daughter. After a few years Benjamin Barker comes back to London and decides to get revenge. He decides he will kill all who sit in his baber chair until he gets the Judge. From that day on he will no longer be Benjamin Barker but the Demon barber of Fleet Street: Sweeney Todd. During that time he meets Mrs. Lovett, a young woman with economical problems. She falls in love with him and decides to help him with his killing plan. He makes a series of mistakes and finally: dies.

I think Sweeney Todd is one of the best musicals i have ever seen. The movie is filled with suspence and drama. Jhonny Depp interpretates amazingly his character and sings for the first time in any movie. Helena Bonham is an excellent singer and an amazing actress.

2 comentarios:

Nire dena dira dijo...

Maria Jose i think you planned it very well, the idea of the review is great but you have some mistakes, and you have to separate the paragraphs and have a clearer structure of this review but apart from that really good.
Uuu Mr.Todd i'm so happy!

Ian Betts dijo...

This is well written in sentences and you include a good level of detail from the film.

You should try to write to engage and persuade the reader. Try to use language in a more creative way. Also, check basic spellings and uses of capital letters.

An IGCSE D+ which is a SEP 8. Just a few more opinionated comments of your own would have made a C.